The Adapted Kinesiology (KNEA) Program at Saddleback College began in the early 1980's to serve students with disabilities and special needs.
This program instructs students in exercises designed to maintain their health, well-being and improve their quality of life. In tandem with the instructor, students develop fitness goals and an individualized exercise plan. Special equipment is sometimes used to aid in student success.
We value independence in our students, both in small and larger exercise groups. Although we are not able to provide one-on-one assistance for the entire duration of the class, we do have a number of class assistants, interns, and volunteers who help to keep the students safe. Caregivers and family members (after signing a volunteer waiver) are allowed in class to provide any needed 1:1 assistance.
We strongly encourage students to receive appropriate medical treatment and rehabilitation before enrolling in our classes, which are all designed to maintain and improve physical conditioning. We are not a rehabilitation facility and do not provide physical therapy.
The KNEA program serves a wide range of people with physical and cognitive disabilities, such as:
- Cognitive disabilities (i.e. Autism, Developmental Delays, and Learning Disabilities, etc.)
- Orthopedic conditions (i.e. low back pain, etc.)
- Visual and hearing impairments
- Chronically painful conditions (i.e. Fibromyalgia, etc.)
- Neurological conditions (i.e. Post-Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, etc.)
- Traumatic conditions such as brain and spinal cord injury
- Inherited conditions (i.e. Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, etc.)
- Temporary conditions such as post recovery from a knee or hip injury/surgery
- Metabolic conditions (i.e. diabetes and obesity, etc.)
- Psychological challenges (i.e. anxiety and depression, etc.)
- Other conditions not listed above
Classes Offered
Fitness class emphasizing strength, resistance training, and muscular endurance exercises individualized to meet goals, precautions, and contraindications related to student's ability. Adaptive equipment such as machine resistance devices with lower weight increments, pulley machines, wrist/hand straps, therabands, and transfer boards are available. Teaching methods are adapted to meet individualized needs.
Fitness class emphasizing aerobic conditioning and cardiovascular fitness activities. The work is individualized to meet goals, precautions, and contraindications related to student’s ability. Adaptive equipment such as recumbent bikes and steppers, upper extremity ergometers, and partial body weight support treadmill are available. Teaching methods are adapted to meet individualized needs.
Fitness class emphasizing flexibility and core strengthening exercises which are individualized to meet goals, precautions and contraindications related to student's ability. Adaptive equipment such as straps, BOSU balls, and stretching props are available. Teaching methods are adapted to meet individualized needs.
Fitness class that consists of lap swimming, instruction on technique for different swim strokes, and water exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular condition. Adaptive equipment may include pull buoys, snorkels, kickboards, swim fins, and swim paddles. Teaching methods are adapted to meet individualized needs.
Fitness class that includes sports such as basketball, soccer, floor hockey, softball, bocce ball, and dodgeball. Designed for individuals who need assistance and equipment adaptations in activities and sports. Teaching methods and rules of the game are adapted to meet individualized needs.
Fitness class that consists of water exercise in a shallow heated pool to improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular condition. Adaptive equipment may include flotation devices, aqua joggers, flotation devices for the trunk and extremities, ankle weights, resistance bands and gloves, aquatic dumbbells, noodles, and velcro straps are available. Teaching methods are adapted to meet individualized needs.
Fitness class provides opportunities for students with disabilities to experience some of the wonderful outdoor activities that we have here in Southern California including kayaking, hiking, sailing, snorkeling, among others. This course teaches life skills and expands the horizons of what is possible for students with disabilities.
Program Information
Who Should Enroll?
Students with a variety of physical and cognitive challenges often join the Adapted Kinesiology classes after they have finished therapy or rehab at a hospital, outpatient physical therapy facility or a home health care program. Many adult transition students who have completed their high school education also enroll in these community college level classes.
NOTE: Students who require a personal assistant must provide their own. Saddleback does not provide personal assistants.
Enrollment Requirements:
- Have disability verified by a physician
- Be able to benefit from the instruction
- Provide own attendant for personal hygiene needs, dressing and 1:1 assistance for exercise
- Be at least 18 years old, a high school graduate, or have a release from their school district
To learn more, please schedule a time with Instructor Renee Augsburger at (949) 582-4679 to observe a class:
- See how the class operates
- Understand logistics such as parking, class and locker room locations, etc.
- Receive registration forms and paperwork