The EOPS/CARE &NextUp Program at Saddleback College provides personal, career & academic counseling services from counselors trained to assist the needs of students participating in the EOPS/CARE & NextUp program. We invite you to meet with one of our counselors as many times throughout the semester to accomplish your academic goal.
Penelope Skaff, Ed.D.
Dean, Counseling Svcs
Office Location
GW 232-2
Dr. Orlantha Nin
Counselor - EOPS/CARE
Amy Strange
Counselor - PTF (CalWORKs 408)
Dr. Aimee Vaquera
Counselor, EOPS/CARE/Undocumented Student Support
Atria Dehmoobad
Counselor - PTF
Jazlyn Landaverde
Counselor - PTF
Stacy Anderson
Senior Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Hillman
EOPS/CARE Program Assistant
Lori Parra
Extended Opportunity Program Specialist
Angie Veliz
Extended Opportunity Program Specialist, Categorical