We are here to assist Saddleback students with accessing their college-related accounts, which may include Canvas, MySite, student email, wireless on-campus access, on-campus computers and printers/copiers, and more. Student Technical Support is available in-person and online.
Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) verifies your identity when signing into your Saddleback College account, allowing secure access to applications like MySite, Webmail, and Canvas.
- In the top navigation, click on Logins
- Enter your college assigned email, and click Next
- Enter your password and click on Sign in
- Select the MFA self-enrollment icon
- Select Text under "Verify your identity"
- Enter the verification code, then click on Verify
- Click Enable MFA on my Account
- Click OK to verify
- Sign Out of Microsoft MFA
Important Information to Remember
Admission & Records (A&R) will assign you a student ID number within 24 hrs. of applying for admission. Contact A&R at (949) 582-4555 if you do not receive this email.
Current students, to protect your privacy, you must visit the A&R Office (SSC102) and provide photo identification to retrieve your assigned student number.
Former students can visit the A&R Office or re-apply for admission.
A student email address is created for you when you apply for admission.
Please follow these directions to locate your student email address:
- Login to MySite using your college email address and password
- Click on the Profile Icon (top right corner)
Grayscale - .10 (single sided)/ .16 (double sided)
Color - .59 (single sided)/ $1.00 (double sided)
Step 1: Papercut/FindMe Printer
- Log-in to a lab computer
- Printing will not work from personal device
- Pull up document
- Print to the "FindMe-Sadd" printer
Step 2: Pay Station (second floor of the LRC)
- Log-in on the pay station touch screen pedestal
- Same username/password as Canvas log-in
- No @saddleback.edu needed
- The coin/bill pedestal will accept funds up to $20
- No change is provided
Step 3: Release Print Job
- Log-in on the printer touch screen
- Click on document to release
- Press start
- Go to https://mysite.socccd.edu/Portal/Password/Reset.aspx.
- Select “I Have Forgotten My Password”.
- Enter your college email address (ex. Jdoe23@saddleback.edu).
- You will be given one or two options for sending you a verification code.
- Mobile phone option: You will be required to enter your 10 digit mobile number listed on your account. A verification code will be texted to that number.
- Email option: Sends a verification code to the personal email listed on the account.
- Enter the verification code provided.
- Create a new password (Must be between 8 and 16 characters, a mix of letters and numbers, must contain one uppercase letter, and one special character.)
- Confirm your new password.
After your password has been reset, you will be able to access your college accounts such as Canvas, MySite, student email, Wi-Fi, campus computers, and the student print portal.
Chromebook Loaners
Current students may come to the Library during open hours and check out a Chromebook at any time. No reservation is needed, but a picture ID and their student ID number is required. If you need assistance with Chromebook software access, please call (949) 582-4600.
Student Technical Support is available in-person and online.
Student Technical Support
Zoom meetings available upon request.
24/7 Canvas Support
1 (844) 303-0343
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday:
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Summer Office Hours
Closed on Fridays