Persian is one of 11 international languages offered at Saddleback College. A Persian degree provides students with more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different, and teaches and encourages respect for other peoples. It also fosters an understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature, appreciation of other ways of life, different systems of belief, and different way of constructing knowledge, and perhaps most importantly, a better understanding of the world in which they live.
Students develop cognitive and creative thinking skills and acquire increased understanding of another culture. Whatever your career path, a major or double major in a language can be a wise and practical choice.
Contact the International Languages Department
School of Humanities and Social Sciences Office
Office Location
BGS 226
Khaver Akhter
Senior Administrative Assistant
Office Location
BGS 211
Joyce Speakman
Senior Administrative Assistant
Office Location
BGS 213
Dr. Jessica Kaven
Assistant Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office Location
BGS 216
Christina Hinkle
Executive Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office Location
BSG 215
Carmenmara Hernandez Bravo
Spanish Instructor
Office Location
LRC 320
Connie Kihyet
Spanish Instructor
Office Location
BGS 202
Bouchra Nadeau
International Languages (French) Instr.
Office Location
LRC 321B
Silvia Vazquez Paramio
Spanish Instructor
Office Location
LRC 324
Amina Yassine
Spanish/Arabic Instructor
Office Location
LRC 321A