Program Outcomes

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Occupational Skills Award


The Occupational Skills Award (OSA) for Community Based Corrections Studies is a 12-unit program that will allow students the opportunity to achieve completion of the OSA within one year. It provides students with theory and historical and contemporary aspects of social control and state and federal mandates of early release programs. Students will learn criminogenic risk factors and pro-social assessments and factors related to reducing recidivism rates. Students will be introduced to the Collaborative Court Systems' alternative sentencing programs. Exposure to and evaluation of community-based and residential programs to assist adults, adolescents, and families transitioning back into society will be explored. The OSA can supplement any area of study. Students completing the OSA may find employment in probation, parole, youth facilitates including juvenile counseling settings, juvenile correctional detention centers, the California Youth Authority, half-way houses and more.

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