The Philosophy Department includes a full spectrum of transferable courses in philosophy (Introduction to Philosophy, Logic, Ethics, and World Religion) and in multidisciplinary courses that range from the popular Humanities 1, a survey of themes and values in Western culture through its literature, art, and philosophy, to the Honors core course, the Humanities 10A and 10B sequence.
Contact the Philosophy Department
School of Humanities and Social Sciences Office
Office Location
BGS 226
Khaver Akhter
Senior Administrative Assistant
Office Location
BGS 211
Joyce Speakman
Senior Administrative Assistant
Office Location
BGS 213
Dr. Jessica Kaven
Assistant Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office Location
BGS 216
Christina Hinkle
Executive Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office Location
BSG 215
Office Location
BGS 349
Pete Murray
Humanities Instructor
Office Location
BGS 301