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Profiles of two female faces are overlapped and facing text that reads Saddleback Celebrates Women's History Month

Saddleback Celebrates Women's History Month

Women's History Month is celebrated annually during the month of March to highlight the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. Join us for one or more events. Campus...
Graphic reads Saddleback celebrates Black History Month. Visit for events.

Join Us in Celebrating Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and the Student Development Office has planned several events for students, faculty, staff, and the community. We invite you to join us for one or more events! Campus...
Pride flags

It's Pride Week at Saddleback!

Happy Monday, Saddleback Students! This week at Saddleback, we’re celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride, as 90% of you won’t be on campus during traditional Pride Month. It’s Gaypril! I hope I’ll see you at some...
Image of the LGBTQIA+ Progress Pride Flag

Pride Week Celebration Set for April 8-12

The Associated Student Government's International Diversity Student Council is hosting Pride Week from Monday, April 8 through Friday, April 12. The following events will be held during the week-long...
Banner image for Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month September 15 to October 15

Celebrating Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month

Each year, from September 15 to October 15, the United States acknowledges the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latinx Americans to our nation through Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month...