Nicole Major

Contact Information
Sociology Instructor
Office Location
BGS 351
School / Office / Department
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Program / Division
Formal Education
- M.A. Sociology, CSUF
- B.A. Sociology, UCLA
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Learning Materials
Professor Major's courses utilize zero textbook cost learning materials. This means that the textbooks used are free to students.
- SOC 1: OpenStax, Introduction to Sociology (3rd edition)
- SOC 16: Kemp, Alan R. (2019). 2nd Edition. Death, Dying, and Bereavement in a Changing World. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138301528. Note: students are not required to purchase this as it is available free through the Saddleback library eBook subscription. It is optional to obtain the print version. Student may access this earlier by contacting the instructor.
- SOC 180: Sugar, Judith (2019). Introduction to Aging: A Positive, Interdisciplinary Approach. (2nd edition). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN# 978-0-8261-6293-9. Note: students are not required to purchase this as it is available free through the Saddleback library eBook subscription. It is optional to obtain the print version. Student may access this earlier by contacting the instructor.
- SOC 125: Kunkel, Suzanne & Settersten, Richard Jr. (2022). Aging, Society, and the Life Course. (6th edition). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company (ISBN# 9780826180346). Note: students are not required to purchase this as it is available free through the Saddleback library eBook subscription. It is optional to obtain the print version. Student may access this earlier by contacting the instructor.