10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
gateway building

About This Event

The United States Liability Insurance (USLI) Student Program is coming to Saddleback to share about their paid, part-time professional development opportunities with Saddleback students.

USLI will host an information table on Thursday, February 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Gateway (GW) patio near the quad. Students can meet with Student Program Diversity Recruiting and Networking Specialist Will Sheridan, who will share information on the roles available to students, the benefits of the program, and how to apply.

USLI employs around 200 college students year-round and approximately 220 during the summer. Their goal is to provide students with meaningful work experiences that prepare them for their next professional step and the chance to explore a career in the insurance industry.

For more information, visit Handshake