Please follow these ten steps below to register for classes:

  1. Go to MySite.
  2. Enter your STUDENT ID NUMBER and PIN. Click Login.
  3. Click My Classes on the top red bar.
  4. Click Add/Drop Classes on the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the semester tab that corresponds to the one you are enrolling in. Click Add/Drop Classes at the bottom left.
  6. Update Records - ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS THAT HAVE A RED ASTERISK (*). Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to answer all questions.

    CLICK NEXT and continue to Step 7.

    NOTE: On Step 6, if you can't move to the next screen, scroll to the TOP and read the message in RED telling you which question hasn't been answered. The most frequently missed questions are:

    • Enter your cell phone # OR select No Mobile Phone.
    • Vocational and Technical Information (VETA) Check pertinent boxes or None of the Above.
    • Electronic 1098T Tax Information: If your social security number is correctly displayed, select Yes. If your social security number is NOT displayed, select DECLINE or print the W-9S form by clicking the link at the bottom of the screen, complete and mail to: 

      District Fiscal Services 
      Saddleback College 
      28000 Marguerite Parkway 
      Mission Viejo, CA 92629 

      If your social security number is incorrectly displayed, submit the form above.
  7. Enter the class ticket number and click Add Class. (You MUST click ADD CLASS each time you enter a ticket number.) If a class is full, you'll be asked if you want to add yourself to the waitlist. If you do, click YES. Click the "X" at the top right of the pop-up box. Enter another ticket number.

    After entering all ticket numbers click NEXT.

  8. On the FEE page, for Optional Fees, be sure to select NO if you don't want to pay them. If taking an Emeritus Institute class that meets on campus, the Health Fee is mandatory.
  9. Select YES that you accept the Refund Policy. Click Complete Registration.
  10. The LAST SCREEN says Registration Confirmation at the top. Make sure your classes are listed under Completed Enrollment Actions. Print your confirmation.